2024 Sep 8

Testing, testing...

Okay, I have now created a way for me to write blog posts (and, indeed, to edit the site in general) using the website itself, rather than purely by updating them on one particular part of my home computer. I think this should, in theory, allow me to publish things more often, since so often I'm not on this computer, but sometimes I have something to say! And the process of producing these blog posts was previously kind of complicated, so I didn't do it very often. So now, maybe I will post here more often. (Given my track record with blogging, though, I would guess probably not...)

Anyway, I also was messing with a few things today. I finally (almost a year later!) fixed a couple of the bugs people reported in Hazel & Hector, and I added touchscreen support to my game engine finally, so you should now be able to play that game on your phone, as well as Squirrelativity!

The next Ludum Dare is in about a month. I can't believe it's sneaking up on me already. Time sure does fly...

As a reminder, for more frequent updates on what I'm doing, you can always check my social media. Though these days, who knows what the future of social media may hold. :/

Anyway, thanks for reading. I'll talk to you later. I hope to update slightly more frequently in future! :)

Update, a few days later: I've really been enjoying being able to update this site more easily. As you may be able to tell, the main consequence so far of editing the site from my phone is that I am now including more emojis...

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