The Great Flood

About this game

The world is being flooded by a rainstorm of mythical proportions!

Can our frog hero escape the rising water before it's too late, or is this just delaying the inevitable?

The original version was made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 50. (Theme: "Delaying the inevitable.") This is a slightly improved version with some graphical tweaks and bonus levels.

Use the arrow keys to move around. You can push boxes. Metal (red) boxes will sink in water, but wooden boxes will float. The water rises every time you take a step, and will submerge one layer of the level every five steps. You can climb up a ladder, which only counts as one step.

The Roman numerals on each layer represent the height of the layer. I think I forgot to say that in the game. Oops.

The quotes on each level are from various world mythologies about floods, including the Epic of Gilgamesh, the King James Bible, and a few others.

2023 NOTE: It seems that Firefox on some operating systems has a bug that causes parts of the game to appear blurry. Even though I developed this game on Firefox, it has developed this strange problem. I hope they will fix it, but in the meantime, if you run into this issue, much as it pains me to recommend it, I recommend trying the game in a different browser like Chrome, Edge or Safari.


  • Arrow keys to move.
  • R to reset.
  • Z to undo.
  • B to play bonus levels after the last screen.

Tools used

  • Music: FL Studio
  • Sound effects: pxtone + my bathtub
  • Art: Aseprite
  • Badly-Rendered Text: Gimp
  • Programming: vanilla JS / canvas